310 B. POLEVOI they had passed through, as they usually did after a successful engagement. Gloomily they stepped up to the Chief of Staff, reported results in dry, curt phrases and went off without looking at each other. Alexei was a new man in the wing. He did not know the two men who had perished. But he was affected by the prevailing mood. The biggest and most important event in his life, the thing he had striven for with all the power of his body and mind and which was to determine his future course of life—his return to the ranks of the sound and fit—had occurred. How many times had he dreamed of this—in his hospital bed, and later, when learning to walk and to dance, and when recovering his skill as an aviator by hard training! And now, when the long-hoped-for day had arrived, after he had downed two German planes and he was again an equal in the family of fighter-pilots, he, like the rest, stepped up to the Chief of Staff, reported his score, explained the cir- cumstances and praised his follower, and then sat down in the shade of a birch-tree and thought of those who had not returned that day. Petrov was the only one who ran around the airfield, bareheaded, his fair hair fluttering in the breeze, and clutching those he encountered by the sleeve, related to them: ".. .right next to me he was, within arm's reach almost---- Well, listen----I saw the senior lieutenant aiming at the leader. I got the one next to him in my sight. Bang!" He ran up to Meresyev, dropped down at his feet on the soft, grassy moss and stretched out; but unable to stay in this restful position he jumped up and exclaimed: "You did some wonderful stunts today! Grand! Took my breath away!... Do you know how I downed that fellow? Just listen.... I followed you and saw him right next to me, as close as you are to me now... ." "Wait a minute, old man," interrupted Alexei, patting his pockets. "Those letters! What did I do with those letters?" He remembered the letters he had received that day and had not had time to read. He felt a cold sweat break over him when he failed to find them in his pockets. He