306 B. POLEVOI Meresyev repeated the order for his own flight. He looked round: his follower was suspended by his side, keeping almost parallel with him. Good lad! "Hold tight, old man!" he shouted to him. "I am," came the answer amidst the chaotic crackling and buzzing. Again he heard the call: "I am Leopard three, Leopard three!" And then the order: "Follow me!" The enemy was near. Just below them, in the tandem formation that the Germans favoured, was a unit of "Ju-87's", single-engine dive-bombers. These notorious dive-bombers, which had won piratical fame in battles over Poland, France, Holland, Denmark, Belgium and Yugoslavia, the new German weapon, about which the press of the whole world related such horrors at the beginning of the war, soon became a back number in the expanses of the Soviet Union. In numerous air fights our Soviet airmen discovered their weak points, and our Soviet aces began to regard the Junkers as an inferior sort of game, like wood grouse or hares, that did not require real hunter's skill. Captain Cheslov did not lead his squadron straight against the enemy but made a detour. Meresyev thought that the cautious captain intended to "put the sun behind him" and then, masked by its dazzling rays, creep unseen close up to the enemy and attack him. Alexei smiled to himself and thought: "He's doing those junkers too much honour by performing this complicated manoeuvre. Still, it will do no harm to be careful." He looked round again. Petrov was behind him. He could see him distinctly against a white cloud. The German unit was now on their starboard. They sailed in beautiful formation, in perfect unison, as if tied together by invisible threads. Their wings were dazzling bright from the sunrays that poured down upon them. Alexei heard the last snatches of the Commander's order: ".. .Leopard three. Attack!" He saw Cheslov and his follower swoop like hawks upon the enemy's flank. A string of tracer bullets lashed