A STORY ABOUT A REAL MAN *^ through the clumps of weeds, preening a0d splashing themselves, swam a couple of snow-white, red-beaked geese. The injured man was carried to a cottage with a Red Cross flag. Then the truck drove through the village aed stopped at the neat little building of the village school. From the numerous wires that ran into the broken win- dow, and the sentry standing on the porch armed with a submachine-gun, one could guess that this was staff head- quarters. "I want to see the Wing Commander," said the senior lieutenant to the orderly, who was sitting at the open window solving a cross-word puzzle in a magazine. The youth, who had followed at the heels of the senior lieutenant, noticed that on entering the building the latter had mechanically straightened the front of his tunic, ad- justed its folds under his belt with his thumbs and had buttoned his collar. He forthwith did the same. He had taken a great liking to his taciturn companion and now tried to copy him in all things. "The colonel is busy," answered the orderly. "Tell him that I have an urgent dispatch from the Per- sonnel Department of Air Force Staff Headquarters." "You'll have to wait. He is with the air reconnaissance crew. He said he was not to be interrupted. Go out and sit in the garden for a bit." The orderly again became engrossed in the cross-word puzzle. The new arrivals went into the garden and sat down on an old bench next to a flower-bed, which had been carefully bordered with bricks but was now neglected and overgrown with grass. Before the war, on quiet sum- mer afternoons like this, the old village school-teacher must have rested here after her day's work. Two voices were distinctly heard coming from the open windows. One, hoarse and excited, was reporting: "Along this road and this one, ieadtag to Bol&faoye Gorokhovo and the Krestovozdvizhensky dniitiiyard, there is considerable movement, continuous colnsaas of trucks, all going in one direction—to the frost Hare* right near the churchyard, in a hollow, tliere are trucks, or tanks,... I suppose a big unit is being omoeafxatedJ* "What makes you think so?" interrupted a tenor wiee. 19^1*72