286 B. POLEVOI "Listen, boy! Forget that silly proverb before it's too late. And another thing, Comrade Sergeant-Major. At the front you're supposed to obey your superiors. If the order is: 'Down!' you must lie down." He found a juicy stick of horse sorrel in the grass, stripped the fibrous skin with his finger-nails and chewed the crisp plant with relish. Again the sound of aircraft engines was heard, and the same two planes flew low over the road, slightly rolling from wing to wing; they passed so close that the dark-yellow paint on their wings, the black and white crosses, and even the ace of spades painted on the fuselage of the nearest of them, could be seen distinctly. The senior lieutenant lazily plucked a few more "ponies", looked at his watch and commanded: "All clear! Let's go! And step on it! The farther we are from this place, the better." The driver sounded his horn and the post-woman came running from the hollow. She offered several pink wild strawberries hanging on their stalks to the senior lieu- tenant. "They are ripening already----We didn't notice the summer coming in," he said, smelling the berries and sticking them in the buttonhole of his tunic pocket like a nosegay. "How do you know they won't come back and that it is safe to go on?" the youth asked the senior lieutenant, who had fallen silent and was again swaying in unison with the truck as it bumped over the pitfalls. "That's easily explained. They are 'Messers', 'Me-109'. They carry enough fuel for only forty-five minutes' flying. They have spent it and have gone to refuel." The senior lieutenant gave this explanation in a tone suggesting that he could not understand how people did not know such a simple thing. The youth now began to scan the sky more vigilantly; he wanted to be the first to signal the return of the "Messers". But the air was clear and so impregnated with the smell of the luxuriantly growing grass, dust and heated earth, the grasshoppers chirped so vigorously and merrily, and the larks sang so loudly over the dreary, weed-covered land, that he forgot about the German aircraft and the danger, and in a clear, pleasant voice began to sing the song that was popular