A STORY ABOUT A REAL MAN 279 of the Volga. The dull day seemed to brighten at once. His heart throbbed with joy, and he felt a slightly choking sensation in the throat from emotion. At a certain invisible line the entire result of his per- severing efforts in training was put to the test. He had crossed that line, and now he reaped the fruits of those numerous days of hard work easily and without strain. He achieved the main thing that he had long striven for without success: he had become merged with his machine, felt it as the continuation of his own body. Even the in- sensitive and inflexible artificial feet did not hinder this. Conscious of the waves of joy that were sweeping over him, he veered deeply several times, made the loop, and had barely completed this when he threw the machine into a spin. The ground spun furiously with a whistling sound, and the airfield, the school building and the tower of the meteorological station with its striped, inflated sleeve—all merged in continuous circles. With a sure hand he brought the machine out of the spin and made another tight loop. Only now did the then famous "La-5" reveal to him all its known and hidden qualities. What a machine it was in experienced hands! It responded readily to every movement of the steering-gear, it easily per- formed the most intricate stunts, and shot up like a rocket, compact, agile and swift. Meresyev climbed out of the cockpit, staggering as if he were drunk, his mouth stretched in an idiotic smile. He did not see the infuriated instructor, nor hear his irate raving. Let him rave! Guardroom? All right, he was quite ready to do a spell in the guardroom. What difference did it make now? One thing was clear: he was an airman, a good airman. The extra quantity of precious fuel that had been spent on his training had not been wasted. He would repay that expenditure a hundredfold, if only they would let him go to the front. At his quarters another pleasant surprise awaited him: a letter from Gvozdev was lying on his pillow. Where, how long, and in whose pocket it had wandered before it reached its destination, it was difficult to say, for the envelope was creased, smudged and oil-stained. It was enclosed in a neat envelope addressed in Anyuta's hand. The tankman informed Alexei that a damnable thing