278 B. POLEVOI to his mother's vexation, returned home all covered with snow, his legs trembling with weariness. But next morning he was back on the ice again. He now moved with greater confidence, did not fall so often and, taking a run, could slide several metres; but try as he would he could make no further progress, although he remained on the ice until dusk. But one day—Alexei had never forgotten that cold, blizzardy day when the wind drove the powdery snow over the polished ice—he made a lucky move and, to his own surprise, he kept on gliding, more and more swiftly and confidently with every round. All the experience that he had imperceptibly acquired when falling and hurting himself and repeating his attempts again and again, all the little knacks and habits he had gained, seemed sud- denly to have amalgamated into one, and he now worked his legs and feet, feeling that his whole body, his whole boyish, fun-loving, persevering being, was exulting and filling with pleasurable confidence. This was what happened to him now. He flew many times with great perseverance, trying to merge himself with his machine again, to feel it through the metal and leather of his artificial feet. At times he thought that he was succeeding, and this cheered him immensely. He tried a stunt, but he at once felt that his movement lacked confidence, the plane seemed to shy and struggle to get out of hand, and feeling the bitterness of waning hope he resumed his dull training routine. But one thawing day in March, when in that one morning the ground at the airfield suddenly became dark and the porous snow shrank so much that the planes left deep furrows in it, Alexei rose into the air in his fighter plane. A side wind blew his plane off its course and he was obliged to keep on correcting it. In bringing the plane back into its course, he suddenly felt that it was obedient to him, that he could feel it with his whole being. This feeling came like a flash of lightning and at first he would not believe it. He had suffered too much disappointment to believe his luck at once. He veered sharply and deeply to the right; the ma- chine was obedient and precise. He felt exactly what he had felt as a boy on the dark, crisp ice in the tiny inlet