A STORY ABOUT A REAL MAN 275 to, but.... Well, let that go! See here, Meresyev, flying is not such an easy thing for you, and that's why I intend to make it hot for your instructor." Alexei said nothing. He wondered what kind of a man it was puffing his pipe. A bureaucrat who was annoyed because someone had ignored his authority by failing to report an unusual occurrence in the life of the school? A petty official who had discovered a clause in the regula- tions governing the choice of flying personnel that pro- hibited men with physical disabilities from going on flights? Or a crank jumping at the opportunity to exhibit his power? What did he want? Why did he blow in when Meresyev was sick at heart enough as it was, and felt like putting his neck in a noose? He felt like kicking the man out and restrained him- self with difficulty. Months of suffering had taught him to avoid drawing hasty conclusions, and there was some- thing in this ungainly Kapustin that fleetingly reminded him of Commissar Vorobyov whom Meresyev called a real man. The light in Kapustin's pipe glowed and died out, and his broad face, fleshy nose and wise, penetrating eyes emerged from the bluish gloom and vanished again. Kapustin went on: "Listen, Meresyev. I don't want to pay you compli- ments, but say what you like, you are the only footless man in the world to handle a fighter plane. The only one!" He unscrewed the mouth-piece of his pipe and peered through it at the dim light of a bulb and shook his head in perplexity. "I am not talking about you wish- ing to go back to the combat unit. It is certainly praise- worthy, but there is nothing particular in it. At a time like this everybody wants to do his very best to achieve victory.... What's happened to this damn pipe?" He began to clean the mouth-piece again and seemed completely absorbed in the task; but Alexei, alarmed by a vague presentiment, was now on tenterhooks, eager to hear what he was going to say. Continuing to fidget with his pipe, Kapustin went on speaking, without seeming to care what impression his words made: "It's not merely the personal matter of Senior Lieuten- ant Alexei Meresyev. The point is that you, a footless man, have acquired a skill that the whole world had 18*