A STORY ABOUT A REAL MAN 287 Then Alexei opened the letter from his mother. It was the chatty epistle that old mothers usually write, full of anxiety and concern for him: how was he faring, was he not cold, was he getting enough food, did he receive warm winter clothes, and should she knit him a pair of mittens? She had already knitted five pairs and had sent them as gifts to the men of the Soviet Army. And in the thumb of each pair she had put a note saying: "I hope they bring you luck." She hoped he had received a pair of those mittens! They were very nice, warm mittens, knitted from wool that she had combed from the down of her rabbits. Yes, she had forgotten to mention that she had a family of rabbits now—a buck, a doe and seven little ones. Only at the end of the letter, after all this affectionate, old motherly chatter, did she write about the most important thing: the Germans had been driven away from Stalin- grad, lots and lots of them were killed there, and people even said that one of their big generals was taken pris- oner. Well, and when they were driven away, Olya came to Kamyshin on five days' leave. She had stayed at her house, as Olya's house had been wrecked by a bomb. She was now in a sappers' battalion and was a lieutenant. She had been wounded in the shoulder, but she had recovered now and had been awarded a decora- tion—what kind of decoration, the old lady, of course, did not think of saying. She added that while staying at her house, Olya slept all the time, and when she was not asleep she talked about him; and they told fortunes with cards, and every time the queen of diamonds came out on top of the king of clubs. Alexei surely knew what that meant! So far as she was concerned, she wrote, she could not wish for a better daughter-in-law than that same queen of diamonds. Alexei smiled at the old lady's artless diplomacy and carefully opened the grey envelope containing the letter from the "queen of diamonds". It was not a long letter. Olya wrote that after digging the "trenches", the best members of her labour battalion were drafted into a sap- pers' unit of the regular army. She now had the rank of lieutenant-technician. It was her unit that had, under enemy fire, built the fortifications at Mamayev Kurgan that is now so famous, and also the ring of fortifications