A STORY ABOUT A REAL MAN 259 had their dinner than they began to long for supper; in the crowded school building which temporarily served as quarters for Unit Three, the steam-pipes had burst, it was frightfully cold, and throughout the first night Alexei shivered under his blanket and leather coat—but for all that, amidst all this confusion and discomfort, he felt as, probably, a fish feels when a wave sweeps it back into the sea after it had been lying gasping on a sandy beach. He liked everything here; even the discomforts of bivouac life reminded him that he was near his goal. The habitual surroundings, the cheerful men he was accustomed to in their leather coats, now peeling and faded, in their dogskin flying boots, their tanned faces and hoarse voices; the habitual atmosphere reeking with the sweetish, pungent smell of aircraft fuel, and echoing with the roar of engines being warmed up and with the steady, soothing drone of flying craft; the grimy faces of the mechanics in greasy overalls ready to drop from weari- ness; the irate instructors with faces tanned to the colour of bronze; the cherry-cheeked girls in the meteorological station; the bluish, stratified smoke issuing from the stove in the command post; the low humming of the buzzers and the startling ring of telephones; departing flyers taking away spoons and creating a shortage in the messroorn; the wall newspapers written by hand in coloured pencils, with the inevitable cartoon about the youthful airmen who dreamed of their girls while in the air; the soft, yellow mud in the airfield rutted by wheels and skids, and the merry conversation spiced with salacious catch- words and aviation terminology—all this was familiar and settled. Meresyev blossomed out at once. He recovered tie cheerfulness and merry recklessness characteristic of the men in Fighter Command which he seemed to have per- manently lost. He pulled himself together, briskly returned the salute of inferiors, smartly took the regulation steps on meeting superiors and, on receiving his new uniform, forthwith had it "altered to fit" by an old quar- termaster sergeant in the M.C.B., who had been a tailor in civil life, and who, in his spare time, altered the regula- tion-sized uniforms to "fit the bones" of smart and fast- idious lieutenants. 17*