248 B. POLEVOI "Never been done before! Well, it will be done now,n answered Meresyev stubbornly. He drew his notebook from his pocket, exracted the magazine clipping, removed the cellophane wrapping from it and laid it on the desk in front of the major. The officers at the other desks dropped their work and listened intently to the conversation. One of them got up from his desk and approached the major, as if to inquire about some business matter, asked for a light, and glanced at Meresyev's face. The major ran his eye down the clipping. At last he said: "We can't go by this. It is not an official document. We have our instructions which strictly define the various degrees of fitness for the Air Force. I could not allow you to handle a plane if you had two fingers missing, let alone two feet. Here's your clipping, that's no proof. I admire your pluck, but___" Mereseyev was boiling with rage and felt like picking up the inkstand from the major's desk and hurling it at his shining bald head. In a choking voice he said: "What about this?" With that he put his last card on the table—the certifi- cate signed by Army Surgeon First Rank Mirovolsky. The major picked it up doubtfully. It was drawn up in due and proper order, it bore the seal of the Department of the Medical Corps, and was signed by a surgeon highly respected in the Air Force. The major read the certificate and his tone became more friendly. The man in front of him was not a lunatic. This extraordinary young fellow seriously wanted to fly, in spite of his not having feet. He had even succeeded in convincing a sober-minded army surgeon of considerable authority that he could do so. The major pushed Meresyev's file aside with a sigh and said: "I cannot do anything for you, much as I would like to. An army surgeon first rank can write anything he pleases, but we have clear and definite instructions which must not be departed from___If I depart from them, who will answer for it—the Army Surgeon?" Meresyev looked with burning hate at this well-fed, self-confident, calm and polite office, at the neat collar of his well-fitting tunic, at his hairy hands and big, close-