246 B. POLEVOI Growing a beard! At a time like this! It's very dangerous over there, isn't it? Tell me, Alyosha, isn't it? People are saying such terrifying things about Stalingrad!" "They're fighting there." Alexei frowned and sighed. He envied all those who were there, on the Volga, where that gigantic battle about which everybody was talking was raging. They talked the whole evening, thoroughly enjoyed their supper of tinned meat, and as the other room was boarded up, they, like comrades, turned in in the same room, Anyuta on the bed and Alexei on the couch, and at once fell into the deep sleep of youth. When Alexei awoke and sat up on the couch, sunbeams were already slanting into the room. Anyuta had gone. He found a note pinned to the back of the couch: "Have hurried off to the hospital. There is tea on the table and bread in the cupboard; I have no sugar. Will not be able to get away again before Saturday. A." All these days Alexei scarcely left the house. Having nothing to do, he mended the old woman's primus-stoves, kerosene-stoves, saucepans and electric switches, and at her request he even mended the coffee grinder of that awful Alevtina Arkadyevna who, incidentally, had not yet returned the enamelled milk can. In this way he got into the good graces of the old woman as well as of her husband, who worked for the Building Trust, was active in the air defence brigade, and was also absent from home for days and nights on end. The old couple arrived at the conclusion that while tankmen were very nice fel- lows, of course, airmen were in no way inferior to them, and even, when you know them better, proved to be a serious, home-loving lot in spite of their airy profession. At last, the day came for Alexei to go to the Personnel Department to get the decision. He spent the night before on the couch with his eyes open. In the morning, he got up, shaved, washed, appeared at the office exactly to the minute and was the first to walk up to the desk of the major in the Administration Service who was to decide his fate. He disliked that major the moment he set eyes on him. Without looking up at Alexei, as if he had not seen him come up, he continued to busy himself at the desk, taking out and sorting folders, telephoned to various