226 B. POLEVOI springy step with which he walked. He was too ordinary, in fact. Everybody soon got used to him and ceased to pay any particular attention. Late in the afternoon of the day after his arrival, Ale- xei went to the reception-room to see Zinochka. He had saved a pastry from his dinner and now held it wrapped in a burdock leaf. He gallantly presented the pastry to Zinochka, unceremoniously sat down at the desk and asked the girl when she intended to keep her promise. "What promise?" asked Zinochka, raising her arched, pencilled eyebrows. "You promised to teach me to dance, Zinochka." "But..." the girl tried to protest. "I am told that you are such a good teacher that crip- ples learn to dance, while normal men lose not only their feet but also their heads, as was the case with Fedya. When shall we start? Don't let us lose precious time." Yes, she positively liked this newcomer. He had no feet, yet he wanted her to teach him to dance! And why not? He was a nice man, dark, with an even flush showing through the dark skin of his cheeks, and soft, wavy hair. He walked like ordinary people and he had lively eyes, bantering and yet a little sad. Dancing occupied no small place in Zinochka's life. She loved to dance, and was, indeed, a good dancer.... And Meresyev, well, he really was handsome! To cut a long story short, she consented. She told Alexei that she had been taught to dance by Bob Go- rokhov, who was famous throughout Sokolniki, and that he, in turn, was the best pupil and follower of Paul Su- dakovsky, who was famous throughout Moscow and taught dancing at military academies and at the club of the Commissariat for Foreign Affairs; that she had taken over from these celebrities the best traditions of ball- room dancing and would undertake to teach even him to dance, although, of course, she was not quite sure that it was possible to dance without real feet. The terms on which she consented to teach him were severe: he must be obedient and diligent, try not to fall in love with her, since that interferes with the lessons, and chiefly—he must not be jealous when other partners in- vite her to dance, because if she were to dance only with