194 B. POLEVOI He was not to worry, not to mope, but to swim towards Olya, swim against the stream, swim forward at all costs, exert every ounce of strength and reach the girl! But what about that letter? He wanted to go to the letter- box and wait for the postman, but he changed his mind, and with a wave of his hand said to himself: "Let it go. It won't frighten real love away." And believing now that love was real, that it was waiting for him whether happy or sad, sound or sick, whatever condition he would be in—he felt a new accretion of strength. That morning, he tried to walk without crutches. He cautiously got up from the bed and stood with his feet apart, helplessly trying to keep his balance with his outstretched arms. Holding on to the wall, he took a step. The leather of the artificial feet creaked. His body swayed, but he kept his balance with his arms. He took another step, still holding on to the wall. He had never dreamed that walking was such a difficult job. When he was a boy he had learnt to walk on stilts. He would lean his back against a wall, get up on the stilts, push away from the wall and take one step, then a second and then a third—but his body would sway to one side, he would jump off, leaving the stilts lying in the grass growing in the suburban street. It was not so bad learning to walk on stilts, however, for you could jump off, but you can't jump off artificial feet. And when he tried to take the third step his body swayed, his foot gave way and he fell prone on the floor. For his exercises he had chosen the hour when the other patients took their various treatments and there was nobody in the ward. He did not call for help. He crawled to the wall and, supporting himself against it, slowly rose to his feet, rubbed his side that he had hurt in his fall, looked at the bruise on his elbow, which was beginning to grow livid, and, clenching his teeth, took another step forward, pushing himself from the wall. It looked as though he had learned the trick. The difference between his artificial feet and ordinary ones was that they lacked elasticity. He was as yet unfamiliar with their properties and had not yet acquired the habit, the reflex, a& it were, of changing the position of his feet in the process of walking, of transferring the weight of his body