A STORY ABOUT A REAL MAN 183 in mind the complexity of handling a fighter plane, the pessimists claimed that he would not be able to fly. The optimists, however, argued that for a man who, to get away from the enemy, had crawled through a dense forest for a fortnight, heaven knows how many kilome- tres, nothing was impossible. And to back their argument, the optimists quoted examples from history and from fiction. Anyuta took no part in this dispute. The artificial feet of an airman unknown to her did not interest her very much. In her rare spare moments, she pondered over her feelings towards Gvozdev, which, it seemed to her, were becoming more and more complicated. At first, on hear- ing of this heroic officer, whose life had been so tragic, she had written to him under the impulse of an unselfish desire to assuage his grief. But as their acquaintance grew in the course of their correspondence, the abstract figure of a hero of the Patriotic War gave way in her mind to a real, living youth, and this youth began to interest her more and more. She noticed that she felt anxious and sad when no letters came from him. This was something new, and it gladdened and frightened her. Was it love? Was it possible to love a man you have never seen, whose voice you have not even heard, whom you know only from his letters? More and more often there were passages in the tankman's letters that she could not read to her fel- low-students. After Gvozdev had confessed in one of his letters that he had "fallen in love by correspondence", as he expressed it, Anyuta realised that she too was in love, that hers was not a schoolgirl's love, but real love. She felt that life would lose its meaning for her if she ceased to receive these letters to which she now looked forward with such impatience. And so they confessed their love for each other without having met, but after this something strange must have happened to Gvozdev. His letters became nervous, uneasy and vague. Later, he plucked up courage to write to Anyuta that it had been a mistake for them to have con- fessed their love for each other without having met, that Anyuta probably had no idea how terribly his face was mutilated, that he was totally unlike the old photograph he had sent her. He did not want to deceive her, he