156 B- POLEVOI It was not difficult for him to force himself to eat, sleep and take his medicine. Gymnastics were a different matter. The ordinary exercises which he had regularly taken in the past were unsuitable for a footless, bed- ridden man. He therefore invented a new set of exer- cises: for hours on end he bent his body forward, backward and sideways, from right to left and back again, with his hands on his hips, and he turned his head this way and that with such vigour and zeal that his spine creaked. His wardmates good-naturedly chaffed him over these exercises, and Kukushkin ironically congratulated him and called him the Znamensky brothers, Ladoumegue, or by the names of other famous sprinters. Kukushkin detested these gymnastics and regarded them as just another hospital fad. As soon as Alexei began his exercises, he would hasten to the corridor, grumbling and grousing. When the bandages were removed from his legs and he was able to move more freely in his bed, Alexei added another exercise. He would insert the stumps of his legs between the rails at the foot of the bedstead, put his hands on his hips and slowly bend his body forward as far as it would go and then bend backward. Every day he reduced the speed of the bends and increased the number of "bows". Then he devised a series of exercises for his legs. He would lie on his back and bend each leg in turn, drawing the knee towards his chest, and then throw the leg out again. When he performed this exercise the first time, he realised what enormous, and perhaps insuperable, difficulties awaited him. Stretching his legs, of which the feet had been amputated to the shins, caused him acute pain. The motions were hesitant and irregular. They were as difficult to calculate as to pilot an aircraft with a damaged wing or tail. Mentally comparing himself to an aircraft, Alexei realised that the ideally calculated structure of the human body was, in his case, disturbed and that although his body was still strong and sound, it would never again acquire the harmony of action of its different parts that it had been trained to since childhood. The leg exercises caused Meresyev acute pain, but every day he did them a minute longer than he had the