144 B. POLEVOI He woke up late, when the sunbeams were already playing in the middle of the ward, which indicated that it was noon, and he woke with a joyous feeling in his heart. A dream? What dream? His eye caught the magazine which he had tightly gripped in his hand while asleep; from the crumpled page Lieutenant Karpovich was still smiling that strained, gallant smile. Meresyev carefully smoothed out the magazine and winked at the lieutenant. The Commissar, already washed and combed, was watching him with a smile. "What are you winking at him for?" he asked, feeling pleased. "I'm goii ; going to fly," answered Alexei. "How? He had only one foot missing, but you've lost both." "But I am Soviet, Russian!" responded Alexei. He uttered those words in a tone that suggested they were a guarantee that he would score a point over Lieutenant Karpovich and fly. At lunch he ate everything the ward maid brought him, looked in surprise at his empty plate and asked for more. He was nervously excited, sang, tried to whistle, and argued with himself aloud. When the professor came on his round, Alexei took advantage of the special favour he showed him to badger him with questions about what he must do to hasten his recovery. The professor an- swered that he must eat more and sleep more. After that, at dinner, Alexei demanded two helpings of the second course and forced himself to eat four cutlets. He could not fall asleep after dinner although he lay for an hour and a half with his eyes closed. Happiness is inclined to make one egotistical. When Alexei bombarded the professor with questions, he failed to notice what had attracted the attention of the whole ward. Vasily Vasilyevich appeared in the ward as usual, punctually at the moment when the sunbeam, after slowly crossing the whole floor of the ward, touched the spot where a piece of parqueting was missing. The professor was attentive as usual, but everybody noticed a sort of abstracted look about him they had never seen before. He did not rail and scold as he usually did, and the veins