133 B- POLEVOI leaves on the cracked earth lay enormous striped melons that were famous all over Volga region—he heard, and then saw, a small silvery dragon-fly, its double wings glistening in the sun, gliding slowly over the dusty steppe somewhere in the direction of Stalingrad. From that moment the dream of becoming an airman had never left him. His mind was filled with it during the lessons at school, and later, when he operated a lathe in a factory. At night, when everybody was asleep, he and the famous airman Lyapidevsky found and rescued the Chelyuskin expedition, and with Vodopyanov he landed heavy aircraft on the pack ice at the North Pole, and with Chfcalov opened the unexplored air route to the United States across the Pole. The Young Communist League sent him to the Far East and there he helped to build the city of youth in the taiga—Komsomolsk-on-the-Amur—but he carried his dream of flying even to that distant place. Among the builders of the city, he found young men and women like himself, who also dreamed of flying, and it was hard to believe that with their own hands they actually built an air club for themselves in that city, which in those days existed only in blueprints. In the evenings, when mist enveloped the huge construction project, the builders would withdraw into their barracks, close the windows and light smoky fires of damp twigs outside the doors to drive away the swarms of mosquitoes and gnats which filled the air with a sinister, high-pitched buzzing. At that hour, when all the other builders were resting after the day's labours, the members of the air club, led by Alexei, their bodies smeared with kerosene which was supposed to keep the mosquitoes and gnats away, went into the taiga with axes, picks, saws, spades and T.N.T. There they felled trees, blew up tree stumps and levelled the ground to win space from the taiga for an airfield. And they won this space, tearing several kilometres out of the virgin forest with their own hands. ^ It was from that airfield that Alexei soared into the air for the first time in a training craft, at last realising the dream of his boyhood. Later, he studied at an army aviation school and be- came an instructor himself. He was at this school when