134 B- POLEVOI order: "Not to be taken away", somebody sent him regularly. "Have they gone crazy out there, or what, while on the defensive?" he roared. "Kravtsov a bureaucrat? The best veterinary surgeon in the army a bureaucrat? Grisha, take this down at once." And he dictated to Gvozdev an irate letter to a member of the Army Military Council requesting that restraint be put on the newspapermen who had undeservedly thrown discredit upon a good and zealous officer. He continued to scold "those pen-pushers" even after he had given the nurse the letter to post, and it was strange to hear those words of passion from a man who could not even turn his head on his pillow. That evening something more remarkable happened. In that quiet hour when the lights were not yet on and the shadows were beginning to darken in the corners of the room, Stepan Ivanovich was sitting at the window, thoughtfully gazing at the embankment. Some women in canvas aprons were cutting ice on the river. They hacked long strips of ice with crow-bars from the edge of a dark, square ice hole, broke the strips into oblong blocks with one or two strokes of their bars, and then, with the aid of boat-hooks, dragged these blocks up the wooden boards out of the water. The blocks lay in rows—greenish and transparent below and yellow and crumbling on top. A long train of sleighs, tied one behind the other, trailed along the river-bank to where the ice was being cut. An old man wearing an ear-flapped cap, wadded trousers and a coat of the same kind girdled with a belt from which hung an axe, led the horses to where the ice was lying, and the women loaded the ice blocks on the sleighs. Stepan Ivanovich's experienced eye told him that the work was being done by a collective-farm team but was badly organised. There were too many people on the job and they only got into each other's way. A plan of operations arose in his practical mind. He mentally divided the team into groups of three—enough to drag the ice blocks out of the water without difficulty. He then assigned each group to a definite section and fixed the pay not at a round sum for the whole team, but for each group separately, according to the number of blocks they