A STORY ABOUT A REAL MAN {25 Klavdia Mikhailovna brought in a few sprigs of pussy- willow—how they got into stern, wartime, barricaded Moscow heaven knows—and placed a sprig in a glass at each bedside. The reddish sprigs and white, fluffy bolls smelt so fresh that it seemed as though spring itself had come into ward forty-two. Everybody that day felt joy and animation. Even the silent tankman mumbled a few words through his bandages. Alexei lay and reflected: In Kamyshin, turbid streams are running down the muddy sidewalks into the glisten- ing, cobble-stoned road, there is a smell of warmed earth, fresh dampness and horse dung. It was on a day like this that he and Olya had stood on the steep bank of the Volga and the ice had floated smoothly past them on the limitless expanse of the river amidst a solemn silence, broken only by the silver, bell-like strains of the larks. And it had seemed as though it was not the ice that was floating with the stream, but he and Olya, who were noiselessly floating to meet a stormy, choppy river. They had stood there without saying a word, dreaming dreams of such future happiness that in that spot overlooking the wide expanse of the Volga, in the freely blowing breezes of the spring, they had struggled for breath. Those dreams would never come true, now. She will turn away from him. And even if she does not, can he accept this sacrifice, can he permit her, so bright and fair and graceful, to walk by his side while he hobbled along on stumps?... And he begged the nurse to remove the naive harbinger of spring from his bedside. The sprig of willow was removed, but he could not so easily rid himself of his bitter reflections: What will Olya say when she learns that he has lost his feet? Will she leave him, obliterate him from her life? His whole being protested against this. No! She is not like that! She will not throw him up, will not turn away from him! But that would be even worse. He pictured to himself her marrying him from an impulse of her noble heart, marrying him, a cripple, and for his sake giving up her dream of a higher technical education, harnessing herself to office drudgery to keep herself, a crippled husband and, perhaps, who knows, even children.