A STORY ABOUT A REAL MAN H9 Alexei watched the Commissar for days on end, trying to fathom the source of his inexhaustible cheerfulness. There could be no doubt that he was enduring frightful suffering. As soon as he fell asleep and lost control of himself he began to moan, throw himself about and grind his teeth, while his face was contorted with pain. Evident- ly, he was aware of this and tried not to sleep in the day-time, he always found something to do. But when awake he was always calm and even-tempered, as if he suffered no pain at all. He talked leisurely with the surgeons, cracked jokes when the latter tapped and examined the injured parts of his body, and only by the way his hand crumpled his bed sheet and by the beads of perspiration that broke out on the bridge of his nose was it possible to guess how difficult it was for him to restrain himself. The airman could not understand how this man could suppress such frightful pain and muster such energy, cheerfulness and vivacity. Alexei was all the more keen on solving this riddle, for in spite of the in- creasing doses of drug that he was getting he could no longer sleep at night, and sometimes lay with open eyes until morning, biting his blanket to suppress his groans. More and more often and persistently during the surgeon's inspection he heard the sinister word "amputate". Feeling that the frightful day was approach- ing, Alexei decided that without feet life would not be worth living. 5 And that day came. On one of his visits, Vasily Vasi- lyevich stood for a long time tapping Alexei's livid and totally insensitive feet and then, abruptly straightening his back and looking straight into Alexei's eyes, he said: "They must come off!" And before the airman, turning deathly pale, could utter a word, the professor repeated sternly: "They must come off! Not another word, do you hear? Otherwise you are done for! Do you understand me?" He stalked out of the ward without even glancing at his retinue. An oppressive silence filled the ward. Meresyev lay with petrified face and wide-open eyes. Hovering before him, as if in a mist, were the livid*