116 B. POLEVOI this, but he at once caught the sinister meaning of the jest. He did not take offence, however; he merely looked at Kukushkin in surprise and inquired: "And how old are you, my friend? Ah, greybeard, grey- beard! You seem to have aged rather early!" The appearance in ward number forty-two of the new patient, the Commissar, as they called him among them- selves, changed the entire life of the ward. By the second day of his presence in it, this heavy and seriously wounded man had made friends with them all and, as Stepan Ivanovich put it later, had managed "to find a key to fit each one's heart". With Stepan Ivanovich he talked to his heart's content about horses and hunting, of which both were very fond, and on which both were experts. With Meresyev, who was fond of philosophising about war, he argued vigorous- ly about present-day methods of employing aircraft, tanks and cavalry, and tried to prove, not without some heat, that while, of course, aircraft and tanks were very useful, the horse was not obsolete and would yet demonstrate its usefulness, and that if the cavalry were well remounted, and supported by tanks and artillery, and if a large number of bold and intelligent young officers were trained to assist the old veteran command- ers, our cavalry would yet surprise the world. He even found subjects for conversation with the silent tankman. It turned out that the division in which he had served as Commissar had fought at Yartsevo and later had taken part in General Konev's counter-attack at Dukhov- shchina, where the tankman and his group had broken through the German lines. And the Commissar enthusiast- ically enumerated the villages they both knew, related how hot they had made it for the Germans, and where. The tankman kept silent, as usual, but he did not turn his head away when spoken to as he had done hitherto. His face could not be seen because of the bandages, but he nodded his head in agreement. Kukushkin's anger was converted^ into good humour the moment the Commissar invited him to play a game of chess. The chess-board