gg B. POLEVOI the sky, shading their eyes from the sun with their hands. "Number nine has not returned! Kukushkin has got stranded somewhere," said Yura. Alexei recalled Kukushkin's little, jaundiced face which always bore a discontented expression, and remembered how carefully he had supported his stretcher that morning. Could he have been___That thought, so ordinary for an airman on hectic days, made him shudder now that he was excluded from the life of the airfield. At that moment they heard the drone of an engine. Yura jumped up with a cry of joy: "There he is!" There was animation among the men at the command post. Something had happened. "Number nine" did not land, but flew in a wide circle round the airfield, and as it flew over Alexei's head he saw that part of its wing had been shot away, and what was far worse, only one "leg" was visible under the fuselage. Two red rockets shot into the air, one after the other. Kukushkin flew overhead once again. His plane looked like a bird circling over its ruined nest, not knowing where to perch. He started on a third circle. "He'll bail out in a minute. His fuel has run out. He's flying on the last drops!" whispered Yura, his eyes glued to his watch. In cases like this, when a landing was impossible, air- men were permitted to gain altitude and to bail out. Prob- ably "number nine" had already received an order to that effect, but it obstinately kept circling round. Yura kept glancing at the plane and then at his watcL When it seemed to him that the engine had slowed down he squatted on his haunches and turned his head away. "Is he thinking of saving the plane?" Everybody present thought to himself: "Jump! Jump, man!" A fighter plane with a figure "1" on its tail darted into the air and with the first swerve skilfully came alongside the wounded "number nine". By the cool, skilful way in which the plane was handled, Alexei guessed that it was being piloted by the Wing Commander himself. Evident- ly deciding that Kukushkin's radio set was out of order, or that the pilot had lost his head, he had hastened to his assistance. Signalling with his wings: "Do as I do," he