A STORY ABOUT A REAL MAN 95 Alexei groaned. They dropped into a walking pace. In the distance the automatic anti-aircraft guns were already chattering convulsively. One after another flights of aircraft crept out on to the runway and hopped off. Above the familiar sound of their engines Alexei soon heard coming from the woods an irregular, undulating drone which caused his muscles to contract automatically like tightened springs; and this man, bound to the stretcher, imagined that he was in the cockpit of a fighter speeding to meet the enemy. The stretcher would not go into the narrow slit. Yura and the girls wanted to carry him down in their arms, but Alexei protested, demanding that the stretcher be put down on the edge of the wood under a big, stout birch- tree. Lying there he witnessed the events that took place with a swiftness that occurs in a heavy dream. Airmen have rare opportunities to watch an air battle from the ground. Meresyev, who had fought in the Air Force since the first day of the war, had never witnessed an air battle from the ground. And now, accustomed as he had been to lightning speeds in air fighting, he was amazed how slow and harmless an air battle seemed from the ground, how listless the movements of the old, blunt-nosed fighter planes and how harmless the rattle of their machine-guns sounded above, reminding him of something domestic— like the whir of a sewing-machine, or the ripping of calico when it is torn. Twelve German bombers, in V formation, bypassed the airfield and vanished in the bright rays of the sun, now high in the sky. From behind the clouds, the edges of which were so dazzling from the sun that it hurt the eyes to look at them, came the low droning of the engines like the buzzing of cockchafers. The anti-aircraft guns in the woods barked and snarled more furiously than ever. The smoke from their bursting shells floated in the sky like fluffy dandelion seeds. But nothing was seen except a rare flash of the wings of a fighter plane. More and more often the buzzing of the cockchafers was interrupted by the sound of tearing calico: r-r-r-ip, r-r-r-ip, r-r-r-ip! Amidst the dazzling sun-rays a battle