92 B. POLEVOI 19 He arrived at his own airfield at the busiest time of the day, when it was working to its utmost capacity, as it did every day during that hectic spring. The roar of engines did not cease for a moment. The place in the air of one squadron that landed for refuelling was taken by another, and that by a third. Everybody, from the airmen to the petrol-tank drivers and store- keepers, worked until they dropped. The Chief of Staff had lost his voice and could now speak only in hoarse whispers. But notwithstanding the intense activity and the general tension, everybody had been eagerly looking forward to Meresyev's arrival. "Hasn't he come yet?" the pilots had shouted to the mechanics above the roar of their engines even before they had taxied to their caponiers. "Anything heard of him?" the "petrol magnates" had inquired as they taxied their petrol carriers to the tanks buried in the ground. And everybody had strained his ears to hear whether the sounds of the familiar wing Red Cross plane were coming from over the woods. When Alexei came to and found himself lying on a springy, swaying stretcher, he saw a close ring of familiar faces around him. He opened his eyes. Exclamations of joy went up from the crowd. Right next to the stretcher he saw the youthful, immobile face and restrained smile of the Wing Commander. Next to it he saw the red and perspiring face of the Chief of Staff, and the round, full, pale face of tihe Commander of the M.C.B.—Maintenance Crew Battalion—whom Alexei detested for his formalism and stinginess. How many familiar faces! The front stretcher-bearer was Yura, who stumbled every time he turned his head to look at Alexei. Next to him hurried a little red-haired girl, the sergeant at the meteorological station. Before, Alexei had imagined that she disliked him for some reason; she had tried to keep out of his sight and had stealthily watched him with a strange look in her eyes. He called her in jest the "meteorological