A STORY ABOUT A REAL MAN 77 reigned; but it was enough for the wily old man to cast into this turmoil of angry women's voices some practical suggestion concerning their collective-farm affairs, such as: "Isn't it time somebody went to the old village to see whether the ground has thawed?" or: "There's a nice breeze blowing now. Perhaps we ought to air the seed. It has grown moist from the damp earth in the underground barn," for the quarrelling to die down at once. One day Grandad came into the dugout looking pleased and yet troubled. He brought with him a green blade of grass. He laid it gently in his calloused palm and showed it to Alexei. "Look at this," he said, "I've just come from the fields. The ground is thawing, and, thank God, the winter crop is showing. There's been plenty of snow. Even if we don't get the spring crop in, the winter crop will provide us with bread. I'll go and call the women. It will gladden their hearts, poor things!" Outside the dugout the women chattered like a frock of magpies; the blade of green grass brought from the fields gave them fresh hope. In the evening Grandad Mikhail came in rubbing his hands and said: "What do you think my long-haired cabinet of ministers have decided, Alexei? Not a bad thing, I tell you. One team is to plough the patch in the hollow, where the going is heavy. They will harness the cows. Not that you can do much with them. We've only got six left out of the whole herd. The second team will take the higher field, that's drier. They'll dig with spades and mattocks. We dig our vegetable plots that way, don't we? The third team will go up on the hill. It's sandy soil there; we'll prepare it for potatoes. That's easy work. We'll put the youngsters on that job, and the weaker women. And before long we'll get help from the government. But even if we don't, we shall manage. We'll do it ourselves, and we won't let any of the land go waste, I can assure you of that. Thanks to our men for kicking the fascists out of here; we'll be able to live now. We are a tough race and can stand any thing, no matter how difficult!" Grandad could not fall asleep for a long time. He twisted and turned on his straw bed, coughed, scratched