B. POLEVOI lying helplessly in her arms. She tried to keep her eyes away from it, but when, through the steam, they in- voluntarily lighted upon Alexei's leg, or arm, a gleam of horror flashed in them. She began to imagine that this airman was not a stranger who had come into their home, goodness knows how, but her own Misha; that it was not this unexpected guest, but her husband, with whom she had lived only one spring, a broad-shouldered fellow with big, bright freckles on his face, with eyebrows so fair that he seemed to have none, with enormous, powerful hands, that flic fascist monsters had reduced to this state. That it was her Misha's seemingly lifeless body that she was holding in her arms. And horror overcame her, her head swam, and only by biting her lips could she keep herself from falling into a swoon. '. /'.Later, Alexei lay on the thin, striped mattress, in a long, heavily-patched but clean and soft shirt that belonged to Grandad Mikhail, conscious of a feeling of freshness and vigour in his whole body. After the bath, when the steam had evaporated through the hole in the ceiling over the hearth, Varya gave him some hot, smoky bilberry tea. He sipped it with tiny pieces of the two lumps of sugar which the boys had brought him and which Varya had broken up and handed to him on a strip of white birch bark. Then he fell asleep—the first sound, dreamless sleep since the catastrophe overcame him. He was awakened by loud conversation. It was almost dark in the dugout, the rushlight barely smouldered. Amidst this smoky gloom he heard the cracked, high- pitched voice of Grandad Mikhail: "Just like a woman! Where are your brains? The man's not had so much as a millet seed in his mouth for eleven days, and you go and boil them hard!... Why, these hard-boiled eggs will kill him!" Then his voice assumed a pleading tone: "It's not eggs he needs now. D'you know what'd be good for him, Vasilisa? Some nice chicken broth! ^ That's what! It would put new life into him. Now, if you were to bring us your Partisanka ... eh?" But the grating voice of a frightened old woman inter- rupted him: "I won't! I won't and won't! It's no use asking, you old ocvil! Don't dare say any more about it! Give my Parti-