B. POLEVOI When his arms ceased to support him, he tried to crawl on his elbows, but this proved to be very awkward, so he lay down and, using his elbows as levers, tried to roll. He' found he could do that. Rolling over and over was easier than crawling and did not call for much exertion. But it made him giddy, and every now^ and again he lost consciousness. He had to stop often, sit up and wait until the earth, the forest and the sky had stopped whirling round. The trees began to thin out and here and there were open spaces where the trees had been felled. The^ trails of winter roads appeared. Alexei was no longer thinking of whether he would reach his own people, but he was determined to go on rolling as long as he had the strength to move. When he lost consciousness from the frightful strain to which all his enfeebled muscles were subjected, his arms and his whole body continued auto- matically to make these complicated movements, and he kept rolling on in the snow — towards the sound of gun fire — eastward. Alexei did not remember how he spent that night, or whether he made much progress next morning. Every- thing was submerged in the gloom of semi-oblivion. He only had a vague recollection of the obstacles he encountered in his path: the golden trunk of a felled pine-tree that exuded amber-coloured resin, a stack of logs, and sawdust and shavings that were lying about everywhere, a tree stump clearly showing the yearly rings at the cross-cut. An unusual sound called him out of his state of semi- oblivion, restored him to consciousness and caused him to sit up and look round. He found himself in a big forest clearing that was flooded with sunlight and strewn with felled and as yet undressed trees and logs. Standing apart were neat stacks of firewood. The midday sun was high in the sky, the strong smell of resin, heated conifers and of snow dampness pervaded the air, and high above the as yet unthawed earth a lark was singing, pouring all its soul into its simple melody. Filled with a sensation of indefinable danger, Alexei cast his eyes round the clearing. It was fresh, it did not look as if it were abandoned. The trees had beep felled