A STORY ABOUT A REAL MAN 55 as a tonic. He felt thirsty. Among the clumps he saw a small puddle of brownish forest water and stretched out to drink, but at once recoiled—out of the dark water, against the background of the blue sky reflected in it, a strange horrible face had peered at him. It was the face, of a skeleton covered with a dark skin and overgrown with untidy, already curling bristle. Large, round, wildly shining eyes stared out of the deep sockets, and unkempt hair hung down on the forehead in bedraggled strands. "Is that me?" Alexei asked himself, and fearing to look again he did not drink the water but put some snow into his mouth instead and crawled on eastward, drawn by that same powerful magnet. That night he chose for his bivouac a large bomb crater surrounded by a breastwork of yellow sand that had been thrown up by an explosion. He found the bottom of the crater quiet and cosy. The wind did not blow into it, it merely rustled the sand that dribbled in from the breastwork. From it the stars seemed unusually large and appeared to be suspended low over his head. A shaggy branch of a pine-tree that swayed to and fro beneath the stars looked like a hand holding a rag and wiping and polishing those shining lights. Before dawn it grew cold. A raw mist hung over the forest. The wind changed. Now it blew from the north, converting this mist into ice. When the dull, belated light at last broke through the branches, the dense mist descended and gradually dissolved, and the ground all round was found to be covered with a slippery, icy crust. The branch overhead no longer looked like a hand holding a rag, but like a wonderful crystal chandelier with small, suspended prisms tinkling gently in the wind. Alexei woke up feeling weaker than ever. He did not even chew the pine bark of which he kept a stock in the bosom of his flying suit. He tore himself off the ground with difficulty, as if his body had been glued to it during the night. Without brushing the ice from his clothes, beard and moustache, he attempted to clamber up the side of the crater, but his hands slipped on the sand that had frozen during the night. Again and again he tried to get out, but each time he slipped back to the bottom. His efforts grew more and more feeble. At last he realised