A STORY ABOUT A REAL MAN 51 failed to notice that except for this fence and the track of the road that was rising more and more distinctly out of the snow, there was nothing to indicate that human beings were in the vicinity. At last he reached the top of the hillock. Panting and gasping for breath, Alexei raised his eyes—and at once dropped them again, so ghastly was the scene that lay before him. There could be no doubt that only recently this had been a small forest village. Its contours could be easily distinguished by the two uneven rows of chimneys that towered above the snow-covered remains of gutted houses. All he could see were a few gardens, wattle fences, and a rowan tree that had grown outside a window. Now they jutted out of the snow, dead and charred by fire. It was a bare, snow-covered field on which the chimneys stuck out, like tree stumps in a forest clearing, and in the middle, looking altogether incongruous, reared the crane of a well, from which was suspended an old, ironbound wooden bucket that swung slowly in the wind on its rusty chain. At the entrance to the village, near a garden surrounded by a green fence, there was a pretty arch, under which a gate creaked as it swung slowly on its rusty hinges. Not a soul, not a sound, not a wisp of smoke. A desert. Not a sign of a living human being anywhere. A hare, which Alexei had scared out of the bush, scampered away and made straight for the village, kicking up its hind legs in the funniest fashion. It stopped at the wicket-gate, sat up, raised its forepaws and cocked an ear; but seeing this large, strange creature continuing to crawl in its tracks, it scuttled off again along the line of charred and deserted gardens. Alexei continued mechanically to push forward. Big tears rolled down his unshaven cheeks and dropped into the snow. He halted at the wicket-gate where the hare had been a moment before. On the gate were the re- mains of a board with the letters "Kind___" It was not difficult to guess that the neat premises of a kindergarten had stood behind this green fence. There were even a few low benches which the village carpenter had made and, in his love for the children, had planed and scraped