AUTHOR'S NOTE H from the masters how to polish my style much as a "lathe operator polishes metal". That letter from the great writer was of tremendous value to me. I pondered over every word he wrote, striving to draw a correct and useful conclusion. Gorky helped me to realise that jour- nalism and literature required unremitting work and as much, if not more, study than any other profession. I realised that a "by the way" attitude to journalism would lead to nowhere, that you had to put your heart and soul into it. By that time I had graduated college and was working at the dyeing-and-finishing or, as it was popularly known, the "print" shop of the Proletarka Factory. After long reflection I left the factory and joined the staff of Smena. I was with Smena and then with Proletarskaya Pravda, the Kalinin regional newspaper, right until the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War. Parallel with my newspaper work, I wrote short stories but, remembering Gorky's advice, I published only a few. In 1939 I had my first narrative, Hot Shop, published in the magazine Oktyabr. I have to admit that both the subject-line and the personalities were drawn from reality, so much so that old-timers at the Kalinin carriage- building works were quick to recognise their comrades. The whole thing ended by the prototype of the hero in- viting me to his wedding. The bride was the prototype of my heroine. The guests at the wedding poked fun at me, saying that the hero and the heroine had to complete the work of the author by continuing his narrative and giv- ing it a happy, albeit stereotype, ending. Long experience as a newspaperman had helped me to write my first narrative. But I gained my most valuable experience as a writer during the Great Patriotic War, when I was a Pravda war correspondent. It is no secret that the heroes of A Story About a Real Man and We—Soviet People are real, living men and women, most of whom appear under their own or slight- ly modified names. The idea of writing these books was born in the editorial offices of Pravda. It happened like this. In February 1942 the newspaper carried a story headed Exploit of Matvei Kuzmin. That story, which I wrote