.* B. POLEVOI It must have been in those far-off days that I was first drawn to journalism, which I thought was extremely exciting, very important and, as it seemed to me then, a little mysterious. My first item was printed in Tverskaya Pravda when I was in the 6th form. As I remember it now, it consisted of seven lines and was about the visit S. D. Drozhzhin, the well-known peasant-poet, paid to our school. It was given an inconspicuous place on the back page and did not even carry a by-line. But I knew who wrote it and kept that issue of the newspaper until it virtually fell apart in my pocket. After that I began to write regularly for Tverskaya Pravda, and when they came to know me better I began to get assignments for features and sketches about the life of the town. After finishing school I went to the Industrial College, where I studied chemistry and made quantitative and qualitative analyses. But at the bottom of my heart I was already yearning for the editorial offices with their smell of printer's ink, and during commercial classes I secretly wrote a sketch or a feature on a theme that had nothing to do with what the teacher was saying. In that way I gradually became associated with the glorious profession of a journalist, which to this day I regard as the most exciting and most fascinating of all literary specialities. Work in newspapers taught me to observe life with the closest attention, to try and understand the things that were going on around me, and to write only when I had a good grasp of the subject. My first book of feature articles was published in 1927. Friends from Srnena, a Komsomol newspaper I was con- tributing to at the time, sent it to Maxim Gorky in Sorrento without my knowledge. When I learned about it, I was horrified. I thought it was sacrilege to make a great writer read my immature and, as I was already quite aware, mediocre work. All the greater, therefore, was my surprise when I received a bulky packet bearing foreign stamps and my name and address written in a large and clear hand. On six pages of foolscap Gorky reviewed my immature composition with the greatest attention and indulgence, advised that I should work hard to improve, and learn